Once an order has been placed in QBench, you'll have various functions and features available. From the Order screen, I can navigate to an Order screen by going to Workflow Order and selecting all.
Or I can simply enter an Order ID within the search bar in the upper righthand corner.
At the top of the screen, I can see my Order ID or dash 71, and below that is my breadcrumb trail to the right of that.
If this order was placed through the Customer portal, I can see the order request status and the date it was requested.
I can also see that this order sits at five in a chronological list of 57 orders, and I can use these previous and Next buttons to paginate through my orders.
By default, when creating or accessing an order, it will navigate to the Details tab. There are annotations on the left hand side that provide descriptive information explaining what the section is used for.
The Details tab is comprised of fields configured by your LIMS administrator within the Fields and data type settings. The Order screen also shows me my samples and tests in one cascading view.
Tapping over to Comments Users can leave behind comments and add themselves as a follower to get notified of future comments.
Attachments can be used to store any supporting documentation against this order.
Reporting allows users to preview or generate reports that have been preconfigured by your LIMS administrator. Additionally, you can upload external reports here.
Print allows users to generate print templates. That have also been preconfigured by your LIMS administrator.
Within billing, users can create invoices or add the order to an already existing invoice.
Automatic invoice generation can be toggled on an off within your general settings.
To manually create this invoice, I'll click Create invoice. Check the box Create Invoice items from tests on this order, select your invoice template, indicate a due date, payment terms, any notes, an email recipient, and then finally click Create.
Locks is a list view of the order's lock history showing when it was locked, who locked it, who the lock was assigned to, and when it was unlocked and by who.
And lastly is our History tab, which gives us an audit trail of every action taken on this order by every user. Click into the line item to see more details.
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